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McFadden sets example for young donors

Sam McFadden ’08 graduated just six years ago, but that hasn’t stopped him from giving back to the University that made it all possible.

A North Manchester, Ind., native with deep roots in the University, McFadden could have enrolled far from home. After visiting several other schools, however, he realized that “Manchester was the only one that lived up to the expectations I had about what a college should offer.”

He wasn’t disappointed.

The communication studies major is a property manager for the United States General Services Administration (GSA) in Indianapolis, Ind. “I feel like the liberal arts education prepared me for just about anything I come across,” he says. “Even though I wasn’t an expert in everything, at the very least I had a frame of reference to work from.”

Young alumni don’t always have the financial resources that older alumni do. McFadden understands that a gift of any size matters to someone, so he gives back to his alma mater whenever he can. He is supporting Students First! with regular gifts to The Manchester Fund and the capital projects for the PERC and the Administration Building.

“I give to Manchester because it’s important to me,” he says. “Gifts provide so much of what I enjoyed as a student, and I want Manchester to continue to grow and succeed.”

He has been around Manchester nearly his entire life and has a profound affection for this place.

“I have seen the physical changes over the years,” he says. “What I love about Manchester is that the central philosophy, the focus, the feeling of the school has remained the same through the years.”

McFadden offers some advice to young donors: “Any gift of any size is appreciated by Manchester,” he says. “I’ve always felt like my contribution would make an impact on at least one student for one day.”

And that’s no small thing.

By Ben Ogden ’12

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